In order to register a .ie domain, you simply need to show your connection to Ireland. You do not have a business or company set up, in order to register a .ie domain name.
To register a .ie domain name as an individual, you can place an order on our website and when asked to show your connection to Ireland, select the third option ‘An Individual (Not a business, not a business yet, blogger, hobbyist etc)’.
You will then be asked to provide one of the following:
- Irish passport
- Irish driving licence/UK driving licence (showing Northern Ireland address)
- Irish/Northern Irish bank statement showing an address in the island of Ireland
- Official college ID (from a college recognised by the Department of Education)
- Public Services Card
- Correspondence from Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners showing your PPS number
Alternatively, if you already have a .ie domain name registered and wish to register this new domain with the same owner details, you simply need to confirm your existing .ie domain with your order and we can Fastpass your application.
If you need any more information here, please get in contact with our Sales team and they will be happy to check it for you.