When you install a new WordPress website, it was have a default title and tagline and a default/generic favicon (an icon associated with your website, typically displayed in the address bar or next to the site name in your list of bookmarks). Changing these defaults is easy and a quick way to start customising your new website.


  • Too change the title and tagline for your website, first log in to your WordPress admin area. This is generally accessed by going to http://www.mydomain.com/wp-admin (replacing ‘mydomain.com’ with your actual domain name)
  • Once logged in, click on Settings on the left hand side and click on the option for General. This will bring you to a page where both the title and the tagline can be updated
  • To change the favicon, you will first need an image that is at least 512 pixels tall and wide. You could use software like MS Paint of Photoshop to do this, and there are a number of websites online that allow you to do this quickly and for free
  • Once your image is prepared, click on Appearance > Customize > Site Identity in your WordPress Dashboard
  • From here click on the Select image option under Site Icon and choose the image you wish to use as the Favicon