In order to connect your domain name to your Wix website, you will need to use the DNS Manager feature in your client area. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your LetsHost client area and click on Domains > Managed DNS
- Click on Add New Zone
- Enter in your Domain Name (without ‘www.’) and the Wix IP address
- When the page refreshes, you will be able to edit the DNS zone for your domain with the details that Wix have provided
Afterwards, you will have to update your DNS to point to the following nameservers:
To do this, click on Domains > My Domains, ‘Active’ to the right of the domain and then the Nameservers option on the left. Failing to update the nameservers, will mean the above settings will not take effect.
If you are working on a .com/.biz/.net/.info/.org domain you will have to disable registrar locking before you can update nameservers. Click on the Registrar Lock on the ledt to lock/unlock your domain. DNS updates should fully propagate within about 24 hours, but can sometimes take up to 72 hours to fully propagate.
Please note that if you have the domain set up on different nameservers currently, following the above steps overwrites the current setup (which may result in your website/email going offline). If you need to retain existing zone records (such as where your email/website/etc is hosted), these will need to be added in to the DNS Manager above.