An issue occurs when older Windows OS are not been updated to use the new TLS Cipher with TLS 1.2 and then Outlook auto-updates to force SSL. When Outlook tries to connect over SSL/TLS, our servers will try to make the connection on TLS 1.2 and those systems can’t do it so the connection fails.
- In order to turn off SSL, you will need to open you account settings. To do this in Outlook 2007 go to Tools and Account settings. To do this in Outlook 2010 and later go to File > Account Settings > Account Settings again
- From here select you email account and hit change
- Update the incoming and Outgoing server to (replacing ‘’ with your actual domain name) and click More Settings and Advanced
- On the drop down for ‘Use the following type of encrypted connection’ select None and change the incoming port to 143 and the outgoing port to 25
- Click OK and then click Next
If you require further information/assistance on this, please submit a ticket and a member of the team will be happy to assist further.